Sleeping disorders and stress

Sleep disorders and sleeping problems are very well to be addressed using neurofeedback. Even with apnea or respiratory problems improvements are to be achieved.

This also applies to the sleep disorders that are related to other disorders such as: anxiety, depression, light traumatic brain injury, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome, epilepsy, etc.
It appears now that through neurofeedback the self-regulation of the brains and thus the physiological arousal are improved. In the area of improving sleep through neurofeedback the same applies. The level of vigilance and alertness during sleep will be affected.

Bedwetting is common and with 90% of children under the age of 12 caused by stress at home or at school. Generally, 20 sessions are required before an improvement in this problem can be expected. With older children and adults more sessions are usually needed.
With symptoms such as sleepwalking, nightmares, sleep talking and bruxism during sleep also good results can be expected with neurofeedback.

People who suffer from depression and other disturbances of consciousness often have trouble sleeping. As neurofeedback is very successful in fostering the self-regulation of consciousness, improvement in sleep regulation is always seen.

Brainbalance - practice for neurofeedback